John G. Richmond
Programme Director MPH in Management and Leadership
Assistant Professor in Healthcare Management and Leadership
Sheffield Centre for Health and Related Research (SCHARR)
School of Medicine and Population Health
The University of Sheffield
Ph.D in Business & Management Warwick Business School
MBA Université de Moncton
BIS St. Francis Xavier University
BA St. Francis Xavier University
​I am a member of the Canadian College of Health Leaders, with 10 years of management experience in public and private healthcare in Canada and USA.
Medical Decison Logic (mdlogx), Baltimore, USA
My career focus on healthcare started in 2005 when I was Business Development Manager and Analyst for Dr. Allen Tien, Medical Decision Logic Inc (mdlogix) in Canada and USA.
Following this experience, in 2008 I returned to Canada to join a large health insurance company, Medavie Blue Cross, as Program Manager, Health Management Solutions. In this role I evaluated the health of employee populations through integrated analysis of health and disability data, to develop targeted health management initiatives and support long-term organizational health strategy. For this work, I was part of a team awarded a 'Who’s Who in Workplace Health' from Benefits Canada Magazine, Rogers Media, in 2010.
Horizon Health Network, Canada
In 2012 I took a management position with Horizon Health Network. As Risk Manager I provided risk management leadership and advice for front-line and management stakeholders in 10 facilities, including 2 hospitals (~400 beds total), 4 community health centres, 1 addictions services, 1 mental health services, and 2 extra mural program facilities. During this time I was certified in Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and conducted medical error investigations. Through my involvement in medical error management I also participated in the legal discovery process.