John G. Richmond
Programme Director MPH in Management and Leadership
Assistant Professor in Healthcare Management and Leadership
Sheffield Centre for Health and Related Research (SCHARR)
School of Medicine and Population Health
The University of Sheffield
Ph.D in Business & Management Warwick Business School
MBA Université de Moncton
BIS St. Francis Xavier University
BA St. Francis Xavier University
Richmond, J. & Clowes, M. (2024) Health system adaptations for extreme heat: protocol for an international scoping review of reviews. PLOS ONE, 19(7).
Tucker D, Le H, Richmond J, Sliwa M, Zubac A & Hendy J (2024) Inclusive Change and Voice in Organizations. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2024(1).
Richmond, J., Brooks, S., & Blenkinsopp, J. (2023). More managers would ensure justifiable staff concerns are heard quickly, Health Service Journal.
Brooks, S., Richmond, J., & Blenkinsopp, J. (2023). Applying a lens of temporality to better understand voice about unethical behaviour, Journal of Business Ethics.
Richmond, J.G. and Hill, R. (2023). Rethinking local resilience for extreme heat events. Public Health.
Richmond, J.G. and Burgess, N. (2023) Prosocial voice in the hierarchy of healthcare professionals: the role of emotions after harmful patient safety incidents. Journal of Health Organization and Management. ISSN 1477-7266
Wilkinson RK & Richmond JG (2023) Exploring community level multi-agency communication and collaboration during the emergency response to the covid-19 pandemic. Public Health in Practice.
​Tochkin J, Richmond J & Hertelendy A (2022) Healthcare system leadership and climate change: five lessons for improving health systems resiliency. BMJ Leader, Published Online First: 19 May 2022. doi: 10.1136/leader-2021-000583
Richmond, J. G., Tochkin, J., & Hertelendy, A. J. (2021). Canadian health emergency management professionals’ perspectives on the prevalence and effectiveness of disaster preparedness activities in response to COVID-19. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102325. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102325
Goniewicz K, Carlström E, Hertelendy AJ, Burkle FM, Goniewic M, Lasota D, Richmond JG & Khorram-Manesh A (2021) Integrated healthcare and the dilemma of public health emergencies. Sustainability, 13(8).
Books Chapters & Reports:
Tochkin J, Richmond J & Hertelendy A (2021) The health care emergency management experience during COVID-19: Lessons from a Pan-Canadian study. HazNet.
Burgess, N., & Richmond, J. (2019). End of First Year Report, Evaluation of NHS Partnership with Virginia Mason Institute. Funded by The Health Foundation.