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John’s research is based in the field of organization studies. He focuses upon organizational resilience, learning, effective communication, and crisis management. John uses mixed-methods research designs including interviews, observations, surveys, systematic reviews, and archival data analysis. The majority of his research is conducted within healthcare organisations.

Specifically, he explores the resilience of healthcare organizations in response to extreme events. This includes events such as pandemics and extreme weather caused by climate change, as well as those resulting from professional misconduct and human error.  He also completed studies examining employee voice and whistleblowing when patient safety is at risk. In addition, John’s research has explored the emotions of healthcare professionals involved in major incidents, and how they reflect and learn in the aftermath.

His work has been published in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals including those on the Financial Times 50 Journal list: Journal of Business Ethics; Work, Employment and Society; Journal of Health Organization and Management; British Medical Journal; British Medical Journal Leader; International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction; and Public Health.




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